Saturday, March 31, 2012


Fight Night at King's gym. One of the girls I spar with got a match, so I went to watch. She did so awesome! I was so excited for her. Unfortunately she lost, which surprised me. I thought she had it. But it was a great bout nonetheless and it was awesome to see her in her first fight! She and the girl she fought were the only girls in the entire lineup, which was lame, but oh well. I guess that's just the way boxing goes.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Here is what the evil rain left under my bookshelves (and on them, too). Moldy moldy mold. Yuck. This is only a portion of it, too.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Trader Joe's in Rockridge.
Fewer. I dedicate this post to my mother, brother, and Weird Al Yankovic.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Oh my god shoes

Check out my new running shoes! Aren't they pretty? I've been walking around in them the last 2 days and I think they're ready for a run on Thursday! Yay! No more hurty feet!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


It's a rainy rainy rainy pi day toady. 

And the rain doesn't look to be letting up any time soon. I do like all the colorful umbrellas though. I hid in Starbucks and took this through the rainy windows while I waited for Nicole to pick me up so I wouldn't get to work looking like a drowned rat. 

I guess Jonathan is right. Umbrellas are pretty cool-looking.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Crazy Good


I made this delicious pizza. The secret? The crust is completely grain-free. It's made from CAULIFLOWER! OMG! 

I know, right? Sounds weird and somewhat horrid? It's not. It's delicious and amazing. Paleo, gluten-friendly, healthy. Check, double-check, triple-slam-check. Hell to the yeah can I get an AMEN from somebody!?!?

This right here, my friends, is why I like pinterest so much. Because I find things like this. :) 

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Looks like we're out hiking in some beautiful countryside doesn't it? Well we're not. This is right in the heart of Golden Gate Park in SF! We also saw bison, a hummingbird, awesome hawks, and yeah, GREAT HORNED OWLS. 

I love this place.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Don't Care


Why don't they make the "Don't care" key for computers any more? I can think of countless situations in which it would be very useful.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Click here for the rest of the comic.
Photo credit: Kristi Oya

Hahaha, just saw Lauren Barnett's comic for today and it made me laugh because that's exactly what I had for dinner just a couple of weekends ago. Of course in my case it was because the hot dog was the only gluten-free item available...and the wine well, that was just to comfort me because I could only eat a hot dog.

Though it's actually not a bad pairing.