Thursday, December 20, 2012


Biking to the gym early in the morning has its advantages.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

White Elephant

We had our white elephant gift exchange at work today and this is what I ended up with (stole it, oh yeah!). It's Cyrus Noble Mine who was apparently sold for a bottle of whiskey. Apropos - this is actually a bottle of whiskey. Creepy? yes. Awesome? Definitely.

Friday, December 14, 2012



The San Francisco Symphony! Handel's Messiah! It ws incredible!

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Someone brought See's candy into the office today! I love these horrid little suckers. Makes me feel like a kiddo! 

So much for my "no sweets" plan (I've been eating a piece of candy or 3 every day for almost 2 weeks now. Time to break the new habit. It's just EVERYwhere right now!). Nostalgia broke me.

Oh well. Tomorrow for realsies. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bread. SRSLY.

What better day than the end of the world to have a gluten-free ginger spice muffin and some g-free sour dough bread (not pictured) delivered via bicycle to your office. 

It. Was. Delish. And a much needed treat today!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Early Christmas Part Two!

Aaaah. My beautiful new, personal, printer at work. Isn't she sleek? 

 This, in addition to the calculator, are making this insane time of year at work a lot easier to deal with. 


Monday, December 10, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Early Christmas

I just got a beautiful new calculator at work. It is pretty and prints and adds up the money and the count of transactions and it is making my life a million times easier!!!! No more counting by hand and using the calculator on my desktop! No more!
Next week I'm getting my own printer. Oh Sandy Claws, how did you know?!?!

Office Holiday Cheer

We all put lights on our cubicles!!! Yay!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's My Cat in a Box!


I opened this box last night around 8 or 9. Hobbes promptly got in the box. This morning when I woke up he was still in said box.

He did not leave the box this morning. He did not get out when I made my breakfast, or opened the door to look at the rain. He didn't get out when I got dressed, or packed my lunch. He didn't even get out when I went to leave for work. Maybe since it was raining he figured, meh what's the point?!

However, I think he has taken it to the extreme because, while I can't be sure, I think he may have stayed in the box all day because when I got home tonight at 9pm he was, as you can see, still in the box.

As I write this he is...STILL IN THE BOX.