Friday, February 12, 2010

Not January First...

So I have been wanting to do this "photo a day" thing that people do, but my camera is broken so I didn't feel like I could really do it as I would want to. But then I realized that was just an excuse and that I didn't have to have the perfect camera to take pictures and enjoy the experience.

I realized this the other day when I was out and wishing I had my camera, and then starting to take pictures with my camera phone. Clearly the quality isn't great, but at least I was allowing myself to feel challenged, and to look at the world artistically and still capture what I saw as best I could.

So then I decided, what the hell, just DO the picture a day thing anyway and see what you come up with on your camera phone. I mean, I have it with me everywhere anyway!

Okay...that's all lies. What really happened is I made a deal with the devil and unless I take a picture a day he's going to let raptors eat my flesh and tear me limb by limb while he keeps me alive during the process with his evil powers.

I figured taking a picture a day would be easier than all that. I don't wanna be the next Prometheus for cryin' out loud.

So even though this is February 12th, I'm going to go ahead and start taking a picture a day and see what I come up with. I'll post a few that I already took this year, and then post every day until next year. Woohoo!

Take that, LUCY (that's what I call the devil. You know...Lucifer, Lucy. Get it?). RAPTORS!


  1. Oh Bekah, I love you so much! lol, raptors.

  2. clever... so clever i didn't get it until i read it again.

  3. lol, I love you too, Mary!

    And Jess, haha, I dunno if it's clever or stupid but it is what it is. RAWR
