Monday, January 10, 2011

Creative Gifts

Finally made use of Delphine's awesome Christmas gift - all the ingredients, and instructions, for making pomegranate martinis. Complete with wheat-free vodka. Yum! They turned out pretty well, too. Though I think there must be an easier way to juice the pomegranate seeds than using a rolling pin and a ziplock. Technically I took this picture yesterday...but Jeanelle was still drinking hers when it was technically today and since I forgot my camera today I'm using this instead. *feels justified*


  1. That's an awesome gift. Way to go, Delphine. I was wondering why there was a pomegranate in clear gift bag sitting on your table.

  2. I could have sworn I explained the pomegranate to you, but perhaps not. There was a LOT of stuff on that table for the entirety of your visit, that's for sure.

  3. and yeah, Delphine is pretty kickass.

  4. mm.. no.. lol It all makes sense now...
