Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hand Drama!

My hand is healing fairly quickly thanks to the awesome "splint" the doctor gave me. Maybe I'm just not up on technology but when he said he wanted to splint it I thought he meant like...a stick and an ace bandage. But instead I got this fancy thing. It works wonders,despite my facial expression (which really is just saying: "I am tired of not using my thumb, can I have it back please?)

Here's how it's looking. Waaay less swollen but more bruised looking. you can see the bruising better with the infrared...the awesome purple didn't show up so well on camera but there ya go. Me and my hands, man. We don't have the best of luck...


  1. oh. the sad face is for your hand. not the post. Well, sort of the post because if your hand wasn't all bruised you wouldn't have to post this. I'm conflicted.

  2. Hahaha, I get what you mean. It IS a sad post. I want to go boxing so bad. Sigh. I can bike now, though!

  3. Good! Hopefully it'll just keep healing quickly.
