Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christmas Time Fo' Realz

Officially Christmas means officially Christmas party time. Which means I must try my hand at homemade eggnog once again. It needs to age for at least a week and has that entire bottle of Jim Beam in it. Plus a little rum and brandy thrown in for good measure. We'll see how it turns out!


  1. Oh man. I'm interested to see how it comes out. I feel like homemade eggnog is tricky. But I sorta hate eggnog sooooo I've never tried it. haha

    1. Yeah we'll see. I made it a couple of years ago and it turned out really really well, but I'm letting this one age longer (though apparently a week is the shortest you should let it sit - you can let it sit for like, a year. Crazy huh?). I'll blog about how it goes/tastes! I. Love. Eggnog. lol
