Sunday, April 4, 2010

Playing Cat and Mouse

Tonight as I was making soup for lunch tomorrow I opened the drawer under the oven to look for a pan. As soon as I opened it I saw a tiny little mouse in the drawer. I pulled  the drawer all the way out, to try and get the mouse, and it ran under the stove and into the corner there (he's circled in red, in case you can't tell that's what he is). I tried to get the cats to go after it and from the looks of this picture you'd think Hobbes was doing a good job staking out, right? Yeah, well he actually had no idea the mouse was there. He just went under, sat there for a sec, and then ran out and promptly dunked his paws in his water bowl. Yep, smart cat. Great hunter, making his close relative, the tiger, proud.

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