I was thinking about this concept of oppressor-oppressed and...well...I'm always thinking about it at some level, really, but I saw this posted this on someone's fb recently:
"Do not be defeated by the
Feeling that there is too much for you to know. That
Is a myth of the oppressor. You are
Capable of understanding life. And it is yours alone
And only this time."
Some General Instructions, by Kenneth Koch
...and my immediate reaction to it was "well that's sorta stupid" to which I had to stop and ask myself WHY i thought it was stupid because really it's a pretty optimistic and empowering sentiment that probably should have inspired me. I suppose I could just be jaded and cynical (I can think of a few people who'd probably roll their eyes and say "you think?") but truth be told I'm not that cynical. I may be that cynical about church/organized religion, yes, but not about topics of oppression and freedom and liberty and education and knowledge. Plus, if you know me at all you know I talk a big game, but my opinions are rarely as extreme as I may act 1. So I started to think about what bothered me about this quote, since in many ways it actually echoes my feelings and philosophies.
I think what bothered me about it was the reference to a nameless/faceless and yet supposedly ever-present "oppressor."
"Who is this supposed oppressor?", is the question that tugs at the back of my mind when I read things like this. Who are you rising up against? Who is this alleged naysayer who haunts our creativity and impedes our pursuit of knowledge?2
Now don't get me wrong. I don't mean to say that there are not real oppressors in this world, or that systems of oppression don't exist. Clearly they do, with very real, tangible, deeply ingrained consequences. The issue I find is not within the concept of oppression, or the idea that there are historical relationships between people/societies/cultures/etc. of oppressors-oppressed, or that that such relationships can and do evolve into systematic oppression which, in a way, becomes an organism of its own over which even the oppressors seem to wield very little power (like creating a monster and losing control of it - the basis of so many horror flicks and sci fi stories).
I think the real problem I have with many of these discussions or sound bytes or proclamations revolving around concepts of oppressor-oppressed is that they rarely seem to move beyond defining life and people in terms of dichotomies. This bothers me because often those who are shining a light on the reality of such dichotomies are, in fact, seeking to discredit the idea that life can be defined in terms of dichotomies in the first place; much feminist literature, queer theory, postcolonial theories, liberation theology etc. etc. seek to challenge the idea that people/life can be defined in essentializing terms/in terms of "us" and "them" dichotomies. Yet, instead of truly refuting "us" and "them" ideas, it seems like more often than not these brilliant thinkers end up defining themselves and humanity in terms of the us-them categories of oppressor-oppressed, perpetuating the very categories - albeit with different labels - that they seek to refute and dismantle.
In many ways these conversations seem to actually reinforce dichotomies and in doing so (and this is the part that I find the most problematic and unsettling) they seem to say, not so much in words as in practice, that identity essentially is defined in opposition to someone else, or in opposition to another identity or definition. The oppressed cannot exist without an oppressor. And while such definitions are useful in beginning the discussion and in helping people to recognize the systems of oppression, power and privilege that do exist and affect our lives, my opinion is that they are of little benefit beyond this initial stage of education and recognition of the situation.
The way I see it is this: defining oneself in opposition to something or someone else is extremely problematic, and it is problematic because not only does it pigeon hole people into particular, seemingly innate categories, but it begs the question: who are you once the "other" - to whom you define and compare your reality - person or concept or reality ceases to exist? If the point of such scholarship is to cease the perpetuation of oppression (as I hope it is), then the categories of oppressor/oppressed too, in time, must cease to exist (theoretically).
What then?
It feels to me like at this point in scholarship we know who we are not (or who we don't want to be), but we don't have a clue as to who we are (or who we want to be).
I suppose in some sense I'm asking for an answer to the question: what would utopia look like? But isn't that what good scholarship should do? Shouldn't it be as visionary and creative as those works of art which shake us to our bones and not only shed light on the world as it is, but also force us to imagine an alternate reality? Shouldn't scholars, at some point, imagine a world in which oppression and dichotomous labels do not exist, instead of using the very labels and dichotomies they are opposing to present a different but equally dichotomous and limiting world?
Clearly this is a very broad consideration of this issue. I really am just basically free-writing on the topic because it's on my mind and I felt like it needed to escape my brain via my fingertips. There is a lot more complexity to it than I'm allowing here, and I recognize that. And of course I do think the scholarship or artistic lens that undergirds quotes like the one at the beginning of this post have their place, and I think amazing accomplishments have been made because of such scholarship, creativity and imagination. I just crave the day where someone takes the next step and imagines something new and different and actually breaks the mold of oppressor-oppressed and dichotomous identities.
That goal is, at the core, what spurs me towards pursuing further academic work. I want my academic peers and superiors to recognize that the initial, and even 2nd or 3rd waves of these ideas are tools, not the goal, and ought to be left on shore once we've crossed the river and begun our trek through the woods.3 I think too often we get so attached to these ideas - as revolutionary as they may be at the time of their inception - that we refuse to let them go when they cease to be useful, or to propel us forward. And that's what I feel I find myself reacting negatively to, even in such good-willed sentiments as the one that spurred this babbling.
Um...anyway, I think that's enough for now. I'm getting tired, and this could go off in so many directions and ways that I should probably just stop now before I write an entire book's length post (or have I already?).
[You survived. If you actually read this thing, thanks for bearing with me as I ran around in the garden of ideas. And if you caught that reference, I owe you a beer.. If you read the footnotes, gold star to you and I owe you a beer. And if you didn't read a word of it: I don't blame you. But you owe me a beer. Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming!]
Clearly this is a very broad consideration of this issue. I really am just basically free-writing on the topic because it's on my mind and I felt like it needed to escape my brain via my fingertips. There is a lot more complexity to it than I'm allowing here, and I recognize that. And of course I do think the scholarship or artistic lens that undergirds quotes like the one at the beginning of this post have their place, and I think amazing accomplishments have been made because of such scholarship, creativity and imagination. I just crave the day where someone takes the next step and imagines something new and different and actually breaks the mold of oppressor-oppressed and dichotomous identities.
That goal is, at the core, what spurs me towards pursuing further academic work. I want my academic peers and superiors to recognize that the initial, and even 2nd or 3rd waves of these ideas are tools, not the goal, and ought to be left on shore once we've crossed the river and begun our trek through the woods.3 I think too often we get so attached to these ideas - as revolutionary as they may be at the time of their inception - that we refuse to let them go when they cease to be useful, or to propel us forward. And that's what I feel I find myself reacting negatively to, even in such good-willed sentiments as the one that spurred this babbling.
Um...anyway, I think that's enough for now. I'm getting tired, and this could go off in so many directions and ways that I should probably just stop now before I write an entire book's length post (or have I already?).
[You survived. If you actually read this thing, thanks for bearing with me as I ran around in the garden of ideas. And if you caught that reference, I owe you a beer.. If you read the footnotes, gold star to you and I owe you a beer. And if you didn't read a word of it: I don't blame you. But you owe me a beer. Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming!]
1 And such extreme expressions of opinions are more of a defense mechanism than anything else, really. It's a really good way to cut things off when I don't want to be in a particular conversation. And yes I did just use a footnote in a blog post. Academia has seeped into my bloodstream. And yeah. I did make it with html code. I am so cool.
2 Of course, I realize this is a quote from a poet and I'm responding to it as if it was from a scholarly journal. However, this was being posted by an academic and used in order to illustrate an academic point, therefore I think it's fair to analyze from an academic/scholarly lens. Also, I am thinking more and more than academia/scholarship and art are two sides of the same many-faced dice. I could take up an entire book explaining what I mean by that, but suffice it to say that both mediums seek to observe, interpret, re-interpret and re-invent the world from a particular viewpoint. They try to help you see the world in a new way and both are only effective and exciting when they are creative, original, and tap into something that resonates with the reader/viewer/listener/consumer. So in that sense, I think it's appropriate to look at art from an academic lens and vice versa.
3 A reference, if you're not familiar, to a saying attributed to the Buddha in which he once again tries to teach us non-attachment. The "parable" of sorts is that his teachings/the teachings of Buddhism are like a boat. When you're crossing the river you need the boat. But when you arrive on the shore, you leave the boat behind. To carry it with you and cling to it because it got you to shore would be foolish and counter-productive. You don't need it any more so leave it behind and move on.
Okay so, two thoughts. First if all, I don't like the quote either but I think for another reason. I think it's rediculous to think one can understand life. It's not even a matter of complexity but rather of limited pov. But that's not what you chose to write about.
ReplyDeleteMy question for you is at what point do
You get rid of an oppressor/oppressed model? When do you know that it's no longer useful? Actually I have another question too. Is it the model that you think is negative or that people take the model and internalize it, defining themselves around it? Is it possible the model is useful but not to be taken as an absolute about one's ow life? If that makes sense
I agree with you and that certainly occurred to me too, but I think the author sort of headed off that objection when he said "And it is yours alone and only this time." I think he's acknowledging limited understanding and that we can only see things from our own pov, but he is simultaneously saying that is valid and we shouldn't allow people to discourage our pov and understanding simply because it is only our own - he's saying it's legitimate and real, without saying that it is the only one true reality (if there is such a thing). So that's why I chose not to really go down that road since it seemed to be a different topic, and I kind of felt the author had a legitimate point.
ReplyDeleteAs for your question - it's not the model itself that I think is negative. I think it's really useful and necessary in many ways. But yes, like you said, the problem I see is that people take the model, immortalize and internalize it, and then go forth do define themselves around it. This doesn't create any real impetus for change, it merely switches the categories around a bit and continues on with business as usual. It's everything I find problematic in the feminist movement: I'm all for feminism (obviously), but I do not like it when feminists do things like start calling God exclusively "She" to combat the fact that God is usually called a "He." If God is not a male, God is also most certainly not a female. There is a sort of self-romanticization in which the "oppressor" is seen as innately evil and the "oppressed" is seen as innately innocent. As if it is not merely some aspect of human nature as it interacts with power that creates problems, but something innate in men, in white people, the occident, in hearing people, or any other such group that is corrupt. When in reality women, non-white people, the orient, Deaf people, etc. etc. are all as perfectly capable of being as awful as those who are traditionally labelled the oppressor.
I DO think it's possible for the model to be useful and not taken as an absolute....but I'm not sure exactly how. I think it has to be done in partnership, though. You have to take it beyond recognizing what's going on and pointing fingers. I think the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa is a good example of on way in which the model was used and then transcended. I guess what I'm saying is...you have to recognize what's going on. You have to have tools to recognize the harm has been done and the systems that have evolved from it. And those who privilege from oppression, whether they intend to or not, have to see it, and admit it, and determine to dismantle it...but at some point, it's got to be everyone in it together. It's got to be us against the system instead of us against each other because unless we're all fighting the same evil, the oppressors and the oppressed are just going to fight each other and continually swap hats without ever truly ending the cycle.
I don't know what point that is that you can say "ok we're done with this, let's move on to level 2"...like I said it's obviously incredibly complicated...but I think that in academia, at the very least, it's time to move on for sure. This has been written about until every last philosopher with a beard to thoughtfully stroke as he thinks his deep thoughts is blue in the face. I don't think we need people to point out the oppression/oppressor relationships any more. I think we need people to start figuring out the next step.
But, you know, I could be wrong. Maybe I'm being too simplistic about this. Maybe we NEED to have every minutia of every type of oppressive relationship dissected and examined. After all each group does have particular experiences and needs and concerns that need to be honored, heard, and addressed...but...I mean, at some point, it's all the same fight isn't it? That's how I see it anyhow...
a quick question, there is more in there I would like to respond to but, another thought. It seems to me, perhaps, as long as there is inequality in power there will always be an oppressor and oppressed. Isn't the quote you are referring to simply trying to remind people, "that stuff that is holding you back, it's not you, it's an outside force and it has no real power of you".
ReplyDeleteObviously you're right, that it is only useful to get yourself "across the river", so that you realize the forces at work, to stop there and not move beyond that, is lazy. But, aren't things like that quote for people who haven't made it past that point? They aren't for those who are aware of the forces that are affecting them. Or are you reacting to it because the people who are around you in academia obsess over that one point because it's relatively easy to dissect and never really move on from it?
I'm sorry if my comments are simplistic, lol
Yeah, actually, I think you're right re: the quote. I think that I reacted as much to the person who was posting it on their fb as the quote itself because I know them and therefore presume to know what they meant by posting it, if you know what I mean. But yeah, I think that IS what the quote is saying, which is why even though it caused me to think "how stupid" I also, once I got over my initial judgy attitude, do like the quote in some ways.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, you're right about the quote being for people who haven't made it past that point, or as a good reminder. I guess the quote wasn't specifically what I was responding to, it was more the springboard. But yes, you got it right - I'm reacting to the people in academia who obsess over that one point because it's relatively easy to dissect and never really move on from it. It frustrates me to no end. I've raised my hand in so many classes and said, "yeah, I get it. Now what?!" And no one seems to be capable or willing to answer that question. Grrrrrrrrrr. Not to say someone else should be answering it. I'm including myself in those I feel are responsible, as inadequately outfitted for such a task as I may be...but I feel sometimes like I - and a select few others - are the only ones asking the question at all (in the academic circles in which I've been, not in the entire world. I'm not that arrogant). I just want someone smarter than me to answer the question!
And whatever dude, your comments aren't simplistic. You're one of the smartest peoples I know!
You guys are cool. And smart. And I like you! :D And Bekah, you owe me two beers and a gold star :P lol
ReplyDeleteOh wait, just one beer, I didn't know that reference. But I did read your comments too, so maybe that counts? haha