I saw this guy on a trash can on my way to get frozen yogurt (it's non fat!) on the other side of Cal's campus today. I always seem to be drawn to trash cans for some reason...maybe it's because when someone tries to place art on them seems so...ironic? That's not quite the right word. Maybe oxymoronic? That's not really it either. I'm not sure what it is but they intrigue me. I'm so deep. Anyway, I just liked this. Plus, I felt sort of like trash (not trashy or trashed, just kinda crappy) today, so this works on an emo level as well!
HOWEVER. A really cool thing also happened today! I took a short break to call my brother and cry halfway through the work day (thanks, bro) and as I was talking to him this hummingbird flew right up to me! No joke it was literally a foot away from me. And it was LOOKING at me! I swear to god it made eye contact with me for several seconds, and then fluttered away. I sort of felt like it was some sort of sign or something...and I did look up info. on what it means to have contact with a hummingbird. I've had strange experiences like this before (usually with animals of some kind) where I felt like it wasn't just coincidence, and like it held meaning and my google searches (oh my, so 21st century) seemed to confirm my uh, intuition? This was the same - it made a lot of sense to have a hummingbird come and engage with me...but then my skeptical mind always says "that's just silly"...and maybe it is...but I don't think it totally is. Anyway, whatever it was it was really, really awesome. :)
I'm quite certain it was no coincidence. But once again, you've got me wondering, this time quite seriously. What is the history of man's interaction with hummingbirds? Yay! for Google! To quote Queen, "You're my best friend!" lol