Friday, August 26, 2011

I Dig Friday Nights at Home. Alone.

I've been feeling under the weather all week so I took another night off from boxing and went home (after getting my bike fixed, again, at Mike's Bikes). I had a lot of summer squash and zucchini that was going to go bad soon, so I took the opportunity to do some cooking. A night at home, alone, feeling productive and not wasteful - and watching Blood + (almost done with the show. It's awesome, don't judge) - was just what the doctor ordered.

So here is what I made - an awesome sauce of squash, zucchini, tomatoes, black olives, and spices sauteed in olive oil and...some sort of vinegar, I forget which kind now (we have SO many), and some gluten free pasta. I just added some red sauce to it and voila! Delicious, and all the veggies were from either our garden or our local farm veggie box. Yay!

I always feel so good when I use all the veggies we have in the fridge before they go bad. :)


  1. We're going to be getting a veggie/fruit box again soon! :D I'm so excited!

  2. Oh good, I'm glad you are doing it again! :-D We can compare veggies! hehe
