Sunday, August 28, 2011

Narrowed Down!

Finally got my list of grad schools to apply to narrowed down! Here's what I've been staring out for daaaaaaaaaaaaaays. A To-Do List on google docs, and my trusty notebook full of lists, cartoons, thoughts, and goals. It felt like this took forever, and was sort of exhausting but once I got over the panicky feeling that if I chose the "wrong" schools my life would be over, I felt pretty good about my list:

  • University of Texas at Austin
  • UC Berkeley
  • UC San Diego
  • University of Chicago
  • UC Davis
  • MAYBE University of Michigan and Gallaudet University

The final list surprised me, actually. Some of the schools I thought were my first picks (Boston, Stanford) didn't even make it to my final list and some that I never dreamed I'd consider (Texas, Davis) ended up being in the final cut. All of these schools have at least one person who is doing SOMETHING with sign language linguistics, and most of them have strong neurolinguistic programs/professors. 

Now, on to ordering transcripts, asking people to write me letters of rec. and getting my statement of purpose together!


  1. It still makes me sad UW isn't on there. ::sigh::

  2. I know, me too. :( But what are ya gonna do? If I don't get in anywhere, and decide to work towards a 2nd career in neuroscience though it could still work out! Only if I don't get in at Columbia of course. 'Cause, well, Oliver Sacks.

  3. Have I mentioned my first born will be named after him?

  4. Just as long as it's Oliver for Oliver Sacks and not for Oliver Twist.

  5. Never ever would I name a child after Oliver Twist. Dodger maybe. Pippin from Great Expectations, perhaps. Even Marley (and Marley, woooo! c'mon, you hear the song in your head too, right? Muppets!), but not Oliver Twist. You know, I didn't even hate that book like you did - I'd go so far as to say I enjoyed it (granted I was 13 when I read it), but after watching Oliver! I really sorta hate that kid. lol.
