Monday, May 31, 2010

The Home Stretch

Having spent my weekend having fun, I spent most of my Memorial Day like this - taking GRE practice tests and trying to squeeze in every last bit of knowledge I can. Only 4 days until test day!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Went with a group out to Sonoma today. We brought our bikes (or rented them) and biked a 10ish mile loop in that had 5 wineries on it. We hit up 4, and tasted at 3 of them with a lovely little picnic lunch in between. It was an awesome day - the weather was perfect: sunny, clear, but not too hot. And the best part? No work tomorrow! I love 3-day weekends!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mid-Day Adventure

We went on a mid-day excursion today to discover a hidden waterfall in Berkeley. After we found it (awesome, by the way!) we made a pit stop in the Berkeley rose garden. It was the first sunny, nice day in a bit so it was nice to be out. And the rose garden was in full bloom! 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

C is for Cookie

My friend, Adriana, is going back home to Indonesia next week. She's constantly feeding me, so I told her I'd bring her some cookies for the plane ride. Here they are, fresh out of the oven. Mmmmmm...I ate way too many Reese's cups while making these for her. Next trip abroad for Bekah will hopefully be to Indonesia! Maybe by then I'll have perfected a wheat-less recipe and can eat some of these cookies on the way there too! 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Velvet Jesus

This is a magic answers your prayers with phrases like, "no chance in hell."
Welcome to PSR. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


We had a potluck bbq at work today to celebrate our president's retirement. This was my contribution.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Soccer = Crying

Playing soccer seems to mean that any time you get hurt you lay prostrate on the ground and wait for everyone to gather around you.  

Sunday, May 23, 2010

U-G-L-Y You Ain't Got No Alibi...

Ok so this picture is kind of cheating, but I didn't like any pictures I took today and I was going between this and the pic of Peeping Hobbes yesterday. So you get them both. Anyway - story behind this: I went to pick up a friend from her place yesterday so we could go get dinner. Her son was supposed to be going to the bathroom and getting ready, but instead he kept drawing pictures and trying to label them "ugly" and running out of the bathroom (without his pants, of course), giggling, then throwing the paper at us and running back to the bathroom. He kept spelling "ugly" wrong though. Ugley, Ugeley, Ulgy, etc. He finally got it right on about the fifth try. Here are some of the fruits of his labor.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Peeping Hobbes

Hobbes recently discovered he can jump in and out of windows. He was perplexed, though, when I closed it. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

Please Sir, Can I Have Some More?

This is Milan. He visits us on a daily basis thus negating any need or desire to get a dog because, well...we kinda have one. Anyway, this morning he showed up pretty early looking for a bite of breakfast. I let him lick my bowl after I ate my fruit and yogurt, but as you can see Jess wasn't gonna give him nothin'!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I've been kind of sick this week so that coupled with the fact that this has been the longest week from hell ever, I haven't been really had time to exercise. So yesterday I made plans with a friend from work to meet up in the morning and ride into work. Felt good to get moving again, and I logged 10 miles total today, even though a lady on BART yelled at me for taking up too much room. Sorry my bike is as big as your ass, woman. Ugh. hehe. Anyway, here is my bike chillin', waiting for the train to come. Check out my awesome bell. Yeah. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


My friend, Adrianna, and I took a break from work today to get some coffee. As we were sitting there, this little guy came in. He was so adorable in his fashionable red boots and snazzy purple pants, I couldn't resist taking a picture of him. I wish it was crisper, but I didn't want to seem like a pedo so I was trying to be covert. Anyway, I thought he was simply adorable.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010


These orchids have served at several events in the last few weeks. In between they sit on my desk and smile at people walking by. I like them. 


A month or two ago I found a jewelry box at a thrift shop and bought it in an attempt to encourage myself to buy jewelry and thus wear it. So today when I was in Winters with Jenny and Abe and we went into an antique shop I thought I'd look around and see if there was anything I liked to put IN my mostly empty jewelry box. I found these 2 necklaces, and I was surprised that I liked them since they were both gold and I usually only like silver, but I liked them a lot. They were simple, but I liked the designs. At first I wasn't going to buy them because it seemed a silly purchase, but then I thought what the hell, if you are going to try and accessorize more you have to actually buy accessories! So I went ahead and bought them. Now I actually have choices...not very many, but more than I had before! :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Played paintball with Abe and my cousins, Caleb and Timothy today. Caleb won the wound of the day award with this lil' beaut.

Friday, May 14, 2010

A Diamond in the Rough

Walking to the bus stop this morning I spied this little guy smiling up at me. He was nestled amongst the leaves and although he looked at me warmly, his crooked smile was slightly unsure. I smiled back and kept walking, knowing I had glimpsed a rare-in-the-wild baby pet rock.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Bike to Work Day!

My co-workers and I teamed up and biked to work on "Bike to Work Day" today. There were energizer stations all around the bay - we got free tote bags, water bottles, etc. It was pretty fun! 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I need another shelf or something. I have no idea where to put my CDs. So I piled a bag on top of them. 
This is a really lame picture today, but oh well it's what you get because today was insanely busy at work, and after work I just felt like I needed to organize things and that's all I've done all other words - boring evening = boring picture!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hey! That's MY Seat.

I went to the bathroom and this is what I came back to. Mocha sitting in my chair, trying to eat my lunch. I know you put her up to this, Jonathan!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Crazy Weather

The weather in MI was crazy on Friday and Saturday. Tornado watches, huge bolts of lightning, insane wind. This is a few blocks from our house - this tree didn't fare so well in the storms.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Graduation Day

Here is my mom on her graduation day. I'm so proud of her! Check out her medal - summa cum laude, highest of honors. Oh yeah! This is when we're still inside and not freezing because of the hail and snow and wind and rain. Still a good time, though. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Waiting to fly to MI for the weekend. There was no movie and my plane almost crashed, but I arrived in one piece. Bring on the weekend festivities!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jesus Bikes With Me

It's You Can Bike There Month! Katherine and I have decided to do the team bike challenge. You ride your bike as much as possible and win points for commuting and using your bike for travel (vs. recreation). This is a picture of our team's profile page. 
We are Holy Rollers. AMEN.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Jess cowers in fear from a pinata filled with dog treats. It was eventually destroyed thanks to the efforts of Kim, Suneal, Jess, and myself. Sorry the picture is slightly fuzzy, but that's cuz it's so packed with action.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

You May Call Me: CREATOR

Here is the puzzle Dinah was helping me with yesterday. As you can clearly see, it's a globe. This was my attempt at learning geography - via a puzzle. It was kind of hard, but fun to figure out which countries were near each other. And it came with this nifty stand and it actually rotates on its axis, just like the real world does. Fun, and I think I may have actually learned a thing or two. For example, did you know Spain was near Africa? I didn't! But now I do! 

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mommy's Little Helper

Here is Dinah's version of "helping" me put together a puzzle. "Look, ma! I can sit in the BOX!"

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Backyard Battles

Dinah takes the high ground while staring down a neighbor cat.

Saturday, May 1, 2010