Thursday, October 18, 2012

Safety First

Finally got my hardhat for work! Red = staff. Purdy. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Mmm. Nothing like biking to Sunday brunch in sunny Berkeley with a dear friend. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Stay Classy, Riverbank

Tell me this isn't the most hideous shirt from a race you've ever seen.

The best part? It's a sweatshirt. Like...early 90s style. I may have worn this all day after running the 5k.

And I looked GOOD.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Well Hello There, Fall

Well Fall decided to show up suddenly today. Not only was it cold and cloudy all day (first morning in a loooong while that it was just too cold to get iced coffee from Peet's on my way to work), but we got some nice rain around 5/5:30pm. 

Also - it's Series time! Oakland made it to the ALC this year (and the Giants made it to the NLC)! All the buses in Oakland, and the transbay buses that go from SF to Oakland, have well-wishes on their marquees! Fun :) 

I kinda love fall. Now all I need is something pumpkin-y! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nom nom!


Found this recipe on pinterest, but just realized I probably shoulda waited to take a picture until I had put the seasoning in and...I dunno...maybe cooked it? 

Anyway it was delicious and just the right kind of low-maintenance meal to make while I watch Oakland and Detroit go at it. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ventana Wilderness

Hiking back out on Sunday. Goooorgeous day. Goooorgeous view.
Backpacking in California in October ftw!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


After 10 miles of backpacking (mostly uphill) you are MORE than ready for some hot chocolate. And one marshmallow just will not suffice. 

Friday, October 5, 2012


Camping weekend! First official task for my new leatherman? Slicing limes for tequila shots, of course!