Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pride and Sardines

Marched in SF Pride today. As is to be expected BART was insanely busy and we were squashed like sardines getting there and back. I particularly liked how this poor short woman was stuck in this guy's armpit. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Awesome Friends

I actually took this earlier this week, but wasn't able to post it since my internet wasn't working. But Nate and Sara took off to move to Wisconsin today so it's still an appropriate picture. Here is Nate holding Jess above his head because, well, he can. He and Sara are two of the most awesome people I've ever met and I'm going to miss them! 

Having way too much fun. 

Friday, June 24, 2011


All day yesterday felt like it should have been Friday. But today it finally is Friday! Woohoo!

Last night my dear friend Insomnia showed up again. My brain just would not shut off. And my stupid @#&$#** computer doesn't seem to believe in connecting to the internet any more so I couldn't even watch a movie to try and calm my brain down to go to sleep. Even reading didn't work. LAME. So 3 hours of sleep = Bekah's gon' need some major caffeine today. On the bright side I did get caught up on SYTYCD.

No internet means - as I believe I mentioned earlier this week - I can't upload my pictures. Hopefully my new netbook arrives soon. I ordered one 2 days ago and I'm so excited! It's so little and it was so cheap! I can bike with it! First stop: Julie's in Alameda! WOO! Imma gonna hug it when it arrives.

In the meantime, I ran across this amazing photo project I thought I'd share with you all. People take old photos and take a new photo in the same location, juxtaposing them so they photos blend together into one new photo of the past merging with the present. I thought some of them were really cool, and I want to try and do something similar at some point while I'm home in MI. Just have to figure out what. Anyway, check it out:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer and Bikes

A bike I saw today. I liked their little flowery garland on their basket. It was so cute and so summery. And then I was just messing around with different features on picnik. I'm not really sure if I like, but I do like what it did to the flowers.

Here is the in color version. I like the Polaroid effect! It's like being a kid again with your first Polaroid camera! Or...your brothers that you stole. bwahahaha! Fun times!

... yeah I think I like it in color better...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Peeping Tom


Taking a Break

Taking a quick break from work to read the most recent update on Lucy Knisley's comic/blog, Stop Paying Attention. You should check her stuff out, if you haven't already. I think that she is my favorite comics artist right now. I feel like there are a lot of autobiographical comic artists around who do really good and hilarious stuff with incredible insight that I love, Knisley, somehow, captures both the irony and the beauty of life, and does so in both an entertaining, humorous, and endearing way. And she does this in such a balanced and real manner that when combined with her style and viewpoint is really quite unique. I especially love the different ways she illustrates her characters looking back in time, incorporating the current character in a physical and metaphorical way with the past. Anyway, I just thought I'd share. Read her stuff. She only updates bimonthly so going back to the beginning takes no time at all (at least for the series).

Now back to work. Oh and I have pics from the last few days, but haven't been able to get online at home so I'll have to update sometime tonight hopefully now that my internet seems to have decided to turn back on.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Winged Creatures

The tape graffiti artist (see: sighting 1, sighting 2, sighting 3) strikes again! I make it a point to walk down this street and look for their stuff at this point. It's always exciting when something is there since it generally doesn't last more than a day. Here is the latest installment!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Taking a walk in Berkeley I spotted this ferocious beast. I got away with my life, but just barely.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Moon is (Not) Down

I missed the red moon/lunar eclipse but it's still pretty full and awesome rising over our neighborhood. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Today was Katherine's birthday, so we went and got her a cupcake. We didn't, however, have anything to light the candle so we asked the woman at the cupcake shop if they had a match or lighter. She said, "no, but I can light it with a blow torch!" Her boss (I'm assuming it was her boss, anyhow) looked awfully nervous. Hahaha. But it worked! I tried to take a picture of the flame but I was too slow and got the shot right after she'd turned it off, but oh well. You can still see her blow torch and the cute little cupcake.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Did you know you can get maps out of vending machines!?!?! I didn't!

Monday, June 13, 2011


I finally found a dress for Holly's wedding this summer. It feels like I've looked forever and was really hoping to find something at Anthropologie because I usually love their stuff and it fits me well. Unfortunately they're quite lacking in the cute summer dress department this year, it seems (well, unless you want to pay 200+ which I did not). I finally broke down today and went to the Embarcadero mall, since I was in the city for a conference anyway. I found this awesome dress at Forever 21 - who woulda thunk it!? And for under $100! Yay! Please note my expansion into the world of a) prints and b) flowers. Thank you.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day at the Beach

Drove out to Santa Cruz/Capitola with Kap this weekend so she could buy a camper van. After the big purchase we went and relaxed at the beach for a few hours. It was a gorgeous day.

I've been really sucking at picture-taking lately! I'm not sure why...I think I'm just distracted. I need to just put a bit more effort/attention into it! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hand Drama!

My hand is healing fairly quickly thanks to the awesome "splint" the doctor gave me. Maybe I'm just not up on technology but when he said he wanted to splint it I thought he meant like...a stick and an ace bandage. But instead I got this fancy thing. It works wonders,despite my facial expression (which really is just saying: "I am tired of not using my thumb, can I have it back please?)

Here's how it's looking. Waaay less swollen but more bruised looking. you can see the bruising better with the infrared...the awesome purple didn't show up so well on camera but there ya go. Me and my hands, man. We don't have the best of luck...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fork Face

This is actually from this weekend but I forgot to post it, and really felt it should be displayed for all to see. I like it when Jess has a few beers. ;)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Yeah, Well You Should See the Other Guy!

I got in a fight with a wheelbarrow yesterday. I lost, but fortunately nothing is broken which is sort of a minor miracle!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Boring Tasks

I hate doing laundry. This is the result of waiting over a month to do it. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Rainy Day Biking

I biked 10 miles in the pouring rain today. Call me crazy but it was sorta fun.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I was so happy about eating breakfast this morning that I took a picture of it. Here it is. Homemade wheat-free biscuit, greek yogurt, a little bit of honey and fresh bananas, blackberries and strawberries. This probably should not delight me quite so much but it did/does. I wish I had another bowl in front of me right now. I'm hungry again and it's only 10:30am...