Wednesday, February 29, 2012



Happy Leap Year Day, everyone.

Here are my new boxing shoes. They help me intimidate my opponent. Oh yeah.

Yeah...I'm that's all I got.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Picard > Kirk

If you have to go to a boring training on how to use a website, you might as well have a little fun with it.

That's my philosphy anyway.

Make it so!

Monday, February 27, 2012



The raven sitting in this tree serenaded me as I walked to get my morning coffee. I know some people hate ravens, but I have always adore them. I love how loud and obnoxious and smart they are. And I like that they're in a lot of stories.

Then again...I basically just love all birds.

Except geese.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

More Eats!


More foods from my CSA box! Chard and leek frittata. So easy, so delicious. I followed this recipe, but I didn't put any bacon in ('cause I didn't have any), and I replaced the feta cheese with goat cheese so Jess could eat it (plus I just thought it sounded tastier).

Saturday, February 25, 2012


So my late-new-year-new-years-resolution is this:
  • I will not let any of the veggies or fruits I get in my CSA box go bad.
  • I will use or give them away so they go to good use. 
  • If I do not know how to use an ingredient, I will look up a new recipe and try it.
  • I will un-check ingredients I just never use and I know I'll never use (sorry bok choy, I just...don't like you enough).
I started this new resolution tonight and the above is the result: Oven Roasted Fennel and Tomato Soup!
I always (always) let the fennel that comes go bad because I honest-to-god have a) no idea wtf fennel is or b) how to use it. So when it came in my box on Thursday I was like "oh great..." and was imagining cleaning out the fridge in 2 weeks when my next box comes and throwing away the nasty fennel that had gone bad sitting hidden in the veggie drawer, neglected, wilting. 

Instead I found this awesome recipe and not only did I make the most delicious and easy soup ever, I also learned that you don't even use the stalks of fennel! You use the bulbs! Who knew?

I used 3 carrots, though, instead of 1 because I love carrots. And I added some leeks, too. Delicious.

Friday, February 24, 2012

I like the Bay

Went on a bike ride along the Bay Shore Train with Katherine after work today. It was gorgeous out. A perfect day to end (and begin) on a bike! :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Look. No one can pull of unshaven legs, armpits, shaved eyebrows and fishnets and short skirts like this woman can. 

I think she's amazing.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

An Open Letter

In the eternal battle between myself and my uterus he* may continue to succeed in torturing me on a regular basis, but not even Guantanamo can cause me to retreat.

I. Shall. Continue. Victorious.

*Yes. My uterus is a male. Like a woman would be this cruel...oh wait, yeah maybe it's a girl...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Well...I didn't get into Austin either*

Oh well.

*already rejected from Cal and UCSD

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Once Upon a Time...

I made a candle! Not was...last week? But still! 

I'm feeling a lot less grumpy than I was over the weekend and a LOT (not even a strong enough word in caps lock...) less so than I was on Friday. I slept most of Saturday which seemed to do the trick. Heh. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012



Went and saw "The Artist" today. So. Incredible. I couldn't stop smiling during this scene. 

Do yourself a favor and see this movie if you haven't already. It is a delight among delights. 

Friday, February 10, 2012


I am beyond exhausted and can't think of anything good to take a picture of. I am also feeling very grumpy and pessimistic, but I think that's just because I'm so tired. It was a struggle to just get myself to boxing tonight (but I did go, woo will power). I was going to try and do some projects tonight, but I think instead I'm going to crawl in bed with a book and read myself to sleep.

Tomorrow I think I'm going to try and get my sewing machine set back up and get working on some stuff...thinking I may try and move it into my room and put the chair in the reading hallway...

Maybe I'll post a picture of that.

I'm addicted to Pinterest. There are so many good ideas in there and now I want to completely re-do our apartment with clever space saving ideas and cute decorating techniques. The only downside is a lot of the awesome space-saving ideas wouldn't work in our apartment because hanging things from the walls is pain in the ass (weird plaster/concrete? walls. It's impossible to get things in certain places).

However, I am convinced a need a real drill. A powerful one. With a diamond head bit. So I can make these:

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I bought a polaroid camera! Because it's fun! 
Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the film would be so difficult to locate...I am on a mission!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What the...

So tonight at 11pm I decided it would be a good time to try and up the RAM in my computer. I think that's what it's called anyway. Whatever. The point is...I suck with electronics. Seriously. I took all the screws out and when I went to put them all back in I have 4 rouge ones that don't seem to fit any where. 

I don't normally consider myself a completely ridiculous person...but...this makes me wonder.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I've been pretty crappy at keeping up this blog so far in 2012. This is due partly to the fact that my camera is currently broken and I am simultaneously too busy and lazy to go take it in and get it fixed. That and I just take forever to do some things, it seems.

But that's not the real reason. I have a phone. I could easily be taking pictures on it, I just haven't been. I guess I don't really know why. I guess I just don't feel very creative with the pictures right now. Maybe it's just because my focus has shifted and I pretty much hurry to the gym after work and then home most days. I just don't feel like I have time to slow down and look at the world that much. But I should. And then when I get home I'm so exhausted all I want to do is watch mindless TV.

And I hate that my automatic MO when I get home is to plop on the couch and watch the boob tube. And almost always fall asleep in front of it and completely waste what's left of my evening (which to be fair isn't much. I usually don't get home until after 8pm these days, but still...). I have so many unfinished projects. I haven't been writing in my notebook. I haven't been cooking or trying new recipes. I haven't been doing anything besides eat, sleep, work, box, repeat.

Don't get me wrong. I love the boxing, which is a big part of this. I feel best when I'm at the boxing gym hitting a bag or a person or sweating my ass off in a training session.

But still...

I feel a little bit unbalanced.

And I miss my friends and family. I feel like I barely have time to keep up with the people who mean the most to me. I feel like I barely know what's going on in peoples' lives.

Of course I'm also very tired right now so I could be exaggerating things in my mind (and likely am). But still...I think these are important feelings/irkings to pay attention to: how to remain focused and balanced at the same time.

On the brighter side, I have a job interview next week which I'm really really excited about. This is my 2nd interview and I am praying and hoping and BEGGING the gods that I get this job. With PhD prospects looking pretty unattainable (which is ok, really) I seriously HAVE to get out of my current job. It's not a healthy environment and I just am ready to do something more meaningful with my life. Way past ready, that is.

I'm also taking a couple of classes this spring because a) I need to defer my student loans again... :-/ and b) because I really wanted to take this genealogy research class so this was a good excuse to sign up for it! :) So tonight instead of sitting in front of the TV I'm working on the assignments and the reading. It's sort of refreshing!

Maybe I'll try to make a new year's resolution here and now on February 7th to not turn on the TV when I get home until I've done something fulfilling and creative. That could be writing in my notebook, cooking something healthy and delicious, working on a project, reading for a while, or just calling a friend or family member and finding out how they're doing. Aaah, finally. A resolution I feel positive about. I haven't made any this year up until this point because with how insane last year was and how none of it turned out how I'd have expected (which is not to say it turned out poorly at all!) I sort of feel like, "screw it, let's just see what happens. bring it on I'm ready!" hahaha. But this is a good one I think. I hate myself when I watch TV for 2 hours a night. I feel like a big fat lazy slob, and I can feel my brain oozing out my ears and dripping irretrievably onto the floor.

I need to go hiking.
