Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I got home tonight to find this massive zucchini propped up against my front door. The zucchini in our garden have taken off to a disturbing degree, but this is by far the biggest one I've seen yet. I have placed a normal-sized banana next to it so that you may fully appreciate the scale of this monstrosity. Picking it up was like picking up a baby for cryin' out loud.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. We've had so much that so far I've made stir fry, ratatouille, and stuffed zucchinis. Perhaps zucchini bread is in order for this one...though I have a feeling it might be big enough to make a couple of things! Hmmmmmmmm....SOUP. It's going to rain next week! Soup would be the perfect answer to the rainy dreary (WONDERFUL) weather.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


After work I biked down to Philz to get some reading/brainstorming done. I just have a hard time doing it at home because when I get home I sort of want to shut off...which isn't bad, I think we all need time to be mindless/just relax. But I think I've been shutting off too much lately when I need to be productive. So since it was 92 degrees and sunny I sat outside and drank a delicious iced coffee and read the first 100 pages of The Language Instinct by Steven Pinker. It's fascinating so far! And he talks about Chomsky a lot (how could he not, right?!). 

I also wrote down any ideas/thoughts/questions re: research topics/ASL/signed language that came to mind as I read so that I would have a starting off point for writing my admissions essays. I know I have questions and interests but sometimes it's hard to articulate them so writing down my thoughts as I go is a good first step!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

On Creativity

We can pick our teachers and we can pick our friends and we can pick the books we read and the music we listen to and the movies we see, etcetera. You are a mashup of what you let into your life.”
-Austin Kleon

For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit. Most people I know who do interesting, creative work went through years of this.
-Ira Glass

Every time we practice an old skill or learn a new one, existing neural connections are strengthened and, over time, neurons create more connections to other neurons. Even new nerve cells can be generated. ... Whether it is by learning a new language, traveling to a new place, developing a passion for beekeeping or simply thinking about an old problem in a new way, all of us can find ways to stimulate our brains to grow, in the coming year and those to follow. Just as physical activity is essential to maintaining a healthy body, challenging one’s brain, keeping it active, engaged, flexible and playful, is not only fun. It is essential to cognitive fitness.

-Oliver Sacks

Monday, September 26, 2011


No picture. No reason - I'm just lazy and didn't take one today...or yesterday...

BUT! I have been thinking. Grad school applications are going to be due before I know it, and here I am wasting precious hours of my life in the evening watching TV. Now, I don't watch a LOT of TV (though I suppose that's all relative), but I often will watch an hour or so after I get home from the gym, after work. It's a nice way to turn my brain completely off for a little while and relax while I eat some dinner (or a "snack of rabbit food" as Jess would call it). But...

I need to be reading.

I have all these books I want to read, and I am moving through them far too slowly.

I also need to be writing.

I need to be writing my admissions essays, and writing down ideas and brainstorming.

I only have so much time after work, and I'm sure as hell not sacrificing boxing/climbing/gym time. So, Mr. TV, you gots ta go.

I reserve, however, a special allowance for How I Met Your Mother, and the Amazing Race. And hour and a half a week of uncompromising tv watching. I think that's reasonable.

That is all.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Culinary Prowess

I've been wanting to make Shepherd's Pie for a while now because I just freaking love it but I rarely get to eat it and it seems so easy. So when I went to the store the other day I got some ground lamb (it has to be lamb to be authentically Irish!) thinking I'd try it out. I didn't even have this in mind, though, when I decided to make mashed potatoes this evening. I just had seen on Chopped how you can make mashed potatoes with cauliflower mashed in! I thought hey that's genius! And it makes the mashed potatoes healthier! I had a whole head of cauliflower and wasn't sure what to do with it because while I do like it, I don't LOVE it so a whole head is a lot to eat on my own.

So after I mashed it up with the potatoes and realized how MUCH I had I thought, wait a second, why don't I just keep going and use this for shepherd's pie? 

And that, my friends, is precisely what I did. It is DELICIOUS and nutritious! Here's the recipe I used: Shepherd's Pie. Besides adding cauliflower to the potatoes, I also put way more peas than it called for. I also used gluten-free flour (obviously), and I left the skins on the potatoes because, well, they're just better that way. I think I'd add green beans and corn next time, though. The more veggies the better I always say.

Yum yum yum!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tuckered Out

She tired herself out playing with this roll of toilet paper. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This evening after getting home from the A's game*  I was going to read, but I just didn't feel like doing something quite so, well, passive for lack of another word. I've been wanting to do some sewing projects for a while but just haven't gotten around to it. I have this lofty dream that I will make myself a pencil bag for all my pencils and sharpies (yeah I like to draw and write with sharpies). I've even gone so far as to go to the fabric store and buy needles, thread and fabric for said project:

I looooved the colors of this fabric and don't act like you don't just absolutely adore these ridiculous chickens. I got the red patterned fabric to use as a lining inside. And yes, I did pick it because of the color...but mostly because I thought it looked like chicken scratching...which was very important to me as I chose my chicken fabric.

Anyhow, I must have bought this fabric at least a couple of months ago now, but haven't gotten around to making anything with it. Typical. If there is one thing you can say about me is that I take forever to complete projects. Mostly because I get distracted by other projects and things I want to do. But! If you can say one other thing about me it is that I pretty much always eventually complete the projects I set out just might be a few daysweeksdistractionsmonthsyears after I decided to do it. 

So anyway, tonight I decided to get started. I found a great youtube video on how to thread a vintage machine like mine. I got it threaded. So far so good: 

Then I realized I needed to wind the bobbin somehow...and I had no idea how to do it on this machine. So, I found another youtube video about how to wind the bobbin! And that is when I noticed this: 

Yep. That's exactly where the little pin thing you need to wind the bobbin is supposed to go. This spurred nearly two hours of online research to find out what that thing is called (it's a spool pin!) which in turned leed to figuring out where to purchase one, and what size I might need, etc. All of this research led me to trying to find a manual for my machine (to no avail), and also led me to believe that my machine is probably in serious need of being cleaned and oiled. I had no idea such things were done to sewing machines, but given that it's a machine I suppose it's just logical that that is the case. 

So, it seems I'm at a standstill on this project for the moment. I sent a message to a local sewing store and asked about cleaning/repairs etc. because I haven't a clue how much that might cost and I'm sure as hell not lugging this heavy thing on BART if they can't help me and I can't afford it. I did, however, learn a great many things as I was doing all this research. For example, I learned that this lever here adjusts the # of stitches per inch! Now that is useful information! 

I also discovered this odd seems to have some sort of adjustment mechanism inside but I haven't a clue what it's for. Something to ask about.

I also came to terms with just how dirty this machine really is. I mean, egads. However, as I worked on it, read about it, watched videos and examined the machine more closely, I also realized how beautiful it is. One thing I LOVE about old stuff is how much care we used to put into making even mundane things beautiful. Modern items just don't have this kind of detail most of the time. But don't tell my brother or he'll be all like "see! That's what I've been saying! Everything should be beautiful!" which will only spur another argument on what is and isn't art and who is a true artist ;)

 Anyhow...hopefully soon I'll actually be sewing on this pretty little machine. I suppose I'll get distracted with another project in the interim...but maybe not. I had so much fun working with it today and I didn't even DO anything. Imagine what might happen when I can actually start using it. :)

Until then, ciao. 

*I know what you're thinking, "the A's? Seriously?! THEY SUCK" Yes. Do they lose? A lot? Yes. Do I care? Well, sort of...but my dad raised us to be A's fans. My mom wanted us to be Giants fans, and I suppose we are...but when it comes down to choosing between the 2 (i.e. when they play each other), or who I feel more dedicated/connected to...well, it's Oakland all the way.  I'm sure some of this has to do with my father's declaration that the Giants were for rich people and the A's were for people like I'm sure he was joking and just trying to rile my mom up, but I took it seriously as a kid. Plus, the A's were just always more forefront in our minds growing up for whatever reason. My brother was convinced he would some day play for them. But I digress. All I really mean to say is: Let's go Oakland, let's go *CLAP CLAP CLAPCLAPCLAP*!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


My brother arranged these magnetic words on a filing cabinet at my office almost 2 years ago now. It's still there and makes me snicker to myself whenever I pass it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Are You Turtle-y Enough for the Turtle Club?

Tape graffiti artist strikes again! It's a little silly how excited I get when I see these, and it's been a while since I have seen one! This one looks like it has seen better days, but if you look closely you can see it's of a turtle. Or a tortoise (esio trot?)...I'm not sure. 


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Train Trip

On the train, riding through the beautiful California countryside. This was before the Jehovah's Witness next to me started trying to convert me to her religion.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Jonathan took me around Orange County today to show me all his favorite haunts. Here we are at the first stop - amazing turkish cafe latte! Yuummmm. Also, this would be a much cooler picture if my stupid foot wasn't poking it's way into the bottom of the frame. Ugh.

Friday, September 16, 2011

I spent 11 hours on the train and the bus today in order to get to San Bernardino and see this show with my brother. Chuck. Freaking. Berry. THE king of rock and roll. 

He was pretty incredible. He's 85 (well, almost) and didn't miss a beat on that guitar. He did, however, have trouble remembering the lyrics to his songs. Hahaha, it was pretty hilarious, but he played it off well and had great stage presence. And he's 85 for cryin' out loud! I hope I remember my name at 85!

Another seminal artist checked off my list! 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So last night I got home pretty late but decided to make myself lunch for today anyway. I'm on this new kick where I try to make my lunch the night before so I don't keep defaulting to walking down the street and buying a lunch. This is both better for my body and for my wallet. I have a bunch of mammoth-sized zuchinni from our garden (seriously, these things are HUGE) and some summer squash, eggplant, and purple bell peppers from my veggie box sitting in my fridge threatening to go bad before I can eat them. So, I got my mind set that I was going to attempt to make ratatouille.

Don't act like you didn't watch Ratatouille and totally want to try that dish. To zoom back to your days as a happy-go-lucky boy eating nummy food at your mother's table. Yeah you did.

Me too.

So, even though it was like 11pm and I was dead tired, I went ahead and made it. It was actually really easy - it just takes a long time to bake. But getting to bed at 1am was worth it due to the fact that now I'm sitting here eating some for dinner after a long day of biking, working, boxing, swimming, and more biking. And it's delicious. And I'm sitting here thinking about how delicious it is and how I should have taken a picture of it for my faithful blog readers while it was still beautiful in the pan instead of in a gloppy mess in my tupperware container. Alas, I did not. My poor camera is feeling quite neglected this week...

So! Instead, I'm going to give you the recipe I used! Imagine that mine looked as gorgeous as the one in these pictures...even though it didn't. My eggplant was grotesquely large in comparison to the summer squash, as was the zuchinni (but still dwarfed by the eggplant). But I do believe that mine probably tasted as gorgeous as the one in these pictures.

Ratatouille Recipe

Seriously. Do yourself a favor and make this. It's delicious, it's healthy, and it's EASY! Just call me "Little Chef."

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Power of Suggestion

The players: Bekah, Jess, bread, the fridge
The time: morning
The mood: groggy grumpiness at another Monday commencing without our permission.
The scene: our kitchen

Jess: "hey can you leave this bread out?"
Bekah: "Oh sure, I just thought you forgot to put it in the fridge, sorry."
Jess: "No, I just don't like hard bread, and I don't like toast which is why I'm not eating this other stuff (half a loaf in the fridge) so I'm going to leave it out and eat it before it gets moldy."
Bekah: "Why don't you just make french toast?"
Jess: "I don't have time this morning. Maybe this weekend."
Bekah: mmmmmmmmm french toaaaaaast.

I then proceeded to make myself french toast, thus almost missing the bus because it takes more time than oatmeal. But it was delicious. But I didn't take a picture of it...because I ate it. True story.

Thus ends this photo blog update for today. I hope you enjoyed this scintillating snapshot of the excitement and drama that my life entails. I'm sure you laughed. You cried. It moved you.

I'll see you here tomorrow. Same time. Same place. Same face. Muah.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Family Time

Went to Modesto today to see my aunt's new house (that she OWNS!) and to hang out with cousins/aunts/uncle. I didn't take a lot of pictures, but here is my favorite one. It's my favorite because a) I caught Joseph (my cousin) smiling despite his best efforts to avoid me and b) you can sort of see his awesome tan if you make it bigger (click on it). Notice how his face is 2 different colors. You can't tell? Well trust me it's hilarious. He also has permanent "glove" tans. Hahahahaha. I love my cousins.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

These are not the droids you are looking for... - OR - When Nerds Ride BART

Check out the guy who gave his storm trooper doll (?!?) its own seat on BART. Yeeah. He was also wearing a ninja turtle t-shirt and while I don't know for sure, I'd place bets on him wearing underoos as well.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Slowly but surely crossing things off my grad school to do list! Today I sent in the final checks for my transcript requests, and ordered my GRE scores! Here's a screen shot of my receipt! Now on to application fees, recommendation letters, and statements of purpose! 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

Jonathan and I went to Tiburon to just relax for the day. Here he is drawing the view (of San Francisco and Angel Island)! 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Day Hike

Hiking at Samuel P. Taylor park! Kristi, Josh, and Jonathan have conquered the peak! 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Hour

This is what happens when you try to take too many people to happy hour at Jupiter. You have to pretend we have a table.