Monday, May 17, 2010


A month or two ago I found a jewelry box at a thrift shop and bought it in an attempt to encourage myself to buy jewelry and thus wear it. So today when I was in Winters with Jenny and Abe and we went into an antique shop I thought I'd look around and see if there was anything I liked to put IN my mostly empty jewelry box. I found these 2 necklaces, and I was surprised that I liked them since they were both gold and I usually only like silver, but I liked them a lot. They were simple, but I liked the designs. At first I wasn't going to buy them because it seemed a silly purchase, but then I thought what the hell, if you are going to try and accessorize more you have to actually buy accessories! So I went ahead and bought them. Now I actually have choices...not very many, but more than I had before! :)


  1. Pretty! :) I need to buy some accessories as well. All of mine are from when I was like 13, lol

  2. Thanks, Mary! I wore one of them today! I feel inspired to buy more!

    lol, yeah it's so weird how hard it is to get accessories. I always feel like I see things i like but feel silly spending money on it, because it seems so frivolous. But it's really not any more frivolous than clothing!

    You should start making a birthday list with that in mind ;) ;)
