Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day - the day when we celebrate being Irish and St. Patrick getting rid of all those horrible pagans. Ew. I celebrated by wishing my dad happy birthday (he has green blood), sitting in the sun watching the sun set over the golden gate bridge while drinking home-made Irish Cream with a couple of friends, and then coming home and perfecting some traditional Irish stew. Topped it off with a nice cold wheat-free beer. Ok so the beer wasn't as traditional as it could be, but it's the best I could do. Tasted good too. Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!!! 


  1. i'm glad you still got to make your stew! :D

  2. Me too! It was pretty tasty too, even without the Guinness! :)

  3. lol excellent. well, you'll have to make it for me sometime! ;)

  4. YUM! I want you to make some when you are in Lansing, please!
