Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Only One Rides the Bus...

I went to the city today for a Raiser's Edge training/user's group. I decided to ride the bus to the BART station 'cause I didn't feel like dealing with parking, and didn't have time to get the front wheel and brake back on my bike before I needed to leave. Shockingly, I was the only one on the bus!!! Here I am, with a weird look on my face showing you both how empty the bus was, and how badly I need a haircut! 


  1. haha that's always weird when it happens.

  2. It's like a HUGE limo, dedicated only to you! Hope your Raiser's Edge user's group was fun.

  3. your hair looks really blonde-redish

  4. huh it does. it looks weird in general in this pic.
