Saturday, February 25, 2012


So my late-new-year-new-years-resolution is this:
  • I will not let any of the veggies or fruits I get in my CSA box go bad.
  • I will use or give them away so they go to good use. 
  • If I do not know how to use an ingredient, I will look up a new recipe and try it.
  • I will un-check ingredients I just never use and I know I'll never use (sorry bok choy, I just...don't like you enough).
I started this new resolution tonight and the above is the result: Oven Roasted Fennel and Tomato Soup!
I always (always) let the fennel that comes go bad because I honest-to-god have a) no idea wtf fennel is or b) how to use it. So when it came in my box on Thursday I was like "oh great..." and was imagining cleaning out the fridge in 2 weeks when my next box comes and throwing away the nasty fennel that had gone bad sitting hidden in the veggie drawer, neglected, wilting. 

Instead I found this awesome recipe and not only did I make the most delicious and easy soup ever, I also learned that you don't even use the stalks of fennel! You use the bulbs! Who knew?

I used 3 carrots, though, instead of 1 because I love carrots. And I added some leeks, too. Delicious.


  1. Great idea!!!!!! Too bad I'm not close enough for you to share with me. lol

    1. I know seriously. That'd be fun. Alas.

      I'll have to make this soup again, for sure though. It's really really tasty but I think I'd double it next time. It really only made enough for 2 meals, so I didn't let Jess have any (I needed it for my lunch today).
