Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I'm house sitting for Nicole so I don't really have access to the internet. And I'm heading to Michigan tomorrow (hopefully - if my flight wasn't cancelled...sitting on hold now trying to get that confirmed) so we'll see how much updating I get done. I sort of suck this year at this! But that's ok since it wasn't really a goal this year either...or something. Right? Right.

Anyway, the other day I realized that it's halfway through 2011 and so I figure it's a good time to look do a mid-year evaluation of new year's resolutions since I really have no good or interesting or even dull pictures right now to post.

Frankly, I feel a little embarrassed looking at my list for 2011. I haven't done anything in regards to publishing, but I suppose the insanity of being jerked around at work for the last 4-5 months is a somewhat valid excuse for that. That, having my car break down so it takes me twice as long to go anywhere, and having mono for the last 3 months so all I want to do is sleep haven't really aided me in this goal. I just haven't had the focus or energy needed. BUT! I've done some good research on grad schools and come hell or high water I will apply this year. And now that the job situation is beginning (emphasis on beginning) to calm down perhaps I'll have the time to really focus on my thesis again and revising it etc. The year isn't over yet!

I've made some headway on my classics movie resolution. And watching great films like "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" has created yet another resolution: I need to see every single Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy movie ever made. Those two are incredible. Also, did you know how amazing Barbara Streisand is? I had an inkling but then I watched Funny Girl and I was all like "whoa." I still have a lot of movies on my list, but I'm chipping away at it slowly.

Another new mid-year resolution: read every book on the Radio Lab virtual book shelf. Have you seen this list?! It's amazing! Also, don't you just love books about the brain? I do. You should too. Neuroscience! Braaaaaains!

Clothes - I've been systematically getting rid of things too big/too old/too ugly. I even let Delphine, the most fashionable person I know, go shopping with me this weekend. And...don't tell anyone but...it was sort of fun! This is sort of a silly resolution, but I needed to make it because I have a really hard time getting rid of things that I "might need later!" but in all honestly really don't need and shouldn't need.

Creativity - oh. yes. Despite what you might imagine from the sporadic-ness and let's face it, quality, of my blogging I've been doing a lot more creative stuff offline, like planning out projects, reading awesome books on creativity and, keeping a really fun journal. Yay! Now, granted, I don't always get to the action part of these projects I plan out. But I will. I just want to try so many things that I get distracted and my lower-than-normal energy level hasn't helped. But I'm getting there. I feel like after July - the month of weddings - is over, too, I'll have more time to get organized and finish up some ideas I had. And don't get me wrong, I have finished several projects. Just started several more I haven't followed up on. But the planning is part of the fun, right? Right! So no worries, right? Right!

Also. Fitness wasn't really on my resolutions list this year like it usually is, but I guess that's because it's become more a part of my life? Anyway, I'm pretty proud of myself. I joined a boxing gym and have been going pretty regularly. Next up: bootcamp class and training for a half marathon. I think I'm putting tris on a hold for right now...until I can get my running back up to speed anyway. Oh, oh! And! AND! I'm slowly but surely conquering my fear of top roping! I went yesterday and didn't shake the entire way up the wall! WOO!

Ok. Uh. I need to work now. Oh and my flight wasn't cancelled! Michigan or BUST is back on! WOOOOOOOOOO! Little Mary is turning 21 and I SHALL NOT MISS IT!

Bottoms up! L'Chaim!


  1. Yay for me being 21! :) lol, so glad you were there sister! *hug* Also, I want to know what's on your movie list as I would probably want to watch them!

  2. Yay! I'm glad I was there too! I love you!

    I'll send you the movie list! We should try to watch them together! ;)
