Monday, September 12, 2011

The Power of Suggestion

The players: Bekah, Jess, bread, the fridge
The time: morning
The mood: groggy grumpiness at another Monday commencing without our permission.
The scene: our kitchen

Jess: "hey can you leave this bread out?"
Bekah: "Oh sure, I just thought you forgot to put it in the fridge, sorry."
Jess: "No, I just don't like hard bread, and I don't like toast which is why I'm not eating this other stuff (half a loaf in the fridge) so I'm going to leave it out and eat it before it gets moldy."
Bekah: "Why don't you just make french toast?"
Jess: "I don't have time this morning. Maybe this weekend."
Bekah: mmmmmmmmm french toaaaaaast.

I then proceeded to make myself french toast, thus almost missing the bus because it takes more time than oatmeal. But it was delicious. But I didn't take a picture of it...because I ate it. True story.

Thus ends this photo blog update for today. I hope you enjoyed this scintillating snapshot of the excitement and drama that my life entails. I'm sure you laughed. You cried. It moved you.

I'll see you here tomorrow. Same time. Same place. Same face. Muah.


  1. lol oh boy. You should tell her to make croutons out of the refrigerated bread.

  2. Oooh good idea! I shall suggest it.
