Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! I don't really have any strong feelings towards Valentine's Day. Any day that gives people an excuse to show love to whomever you choose seems like an alright idea to me. Katherine shared this wonderful comic with me earlier today. It's about Valentine's Day, and pretty much sums up how I feel about people who for whatever reason feel they need to complain about V-Day.

General feelings about Valentine's Day aside, what was really great about this Valentine's Day, in particular, was that this morning my boss received this box of chocolate-covered strawberries from a suitor, of whom she is apparently none to fond. Bahahaha. I'm not going to lie. Witnessing this event sort of made my day for a variety of reasons. Plus, we got to eat the strawberries for her so win-win. Actually...I guess those are both wins for me. Meh, I'm still going with win-win. 

Anyhoo, whatever you do today and however you feel towards a potential suitor, or chocolate-covered strawberries, or love, or Hallmark, just remember: "Less complaining, more sexy rumpus."

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