Friday, March 25, 2011

Fun From Germany!

Katherine was in Germany last week and brought us all back Kinder Surprises!! If you've never had one, a Kinder Surprise is this amazing chocolate egg that is hollow. You break it along the seam and find a little capsule inside. Each capsule has a toy of some sort that you have to assemble. Last time I got an alien in a little space car, and this time I got this adorably weird bunny rabbit! The chocolate is good, and the toy inside is fun. Apparently, though, these are illegal in the US because of the small parts and because it's illegal to have something inedible inside of something edible? Weird, right? 


  1. weird that it's illegal. That's really cool though!

  2. Yeah I know. You can't even order them offline and have them shipped to the US (I looked). But they're awesome and the chocolate is VERY tasty :)
