Friday, March 18, 2011

Sick, but Productive

Benefits of being sick on St. Patrick's Day: no hangover. Um. That's about it. In between sleeping (and watching 3 discs of Blood +. Hey, don't judge...and blame Delphine) I've been researching grad schools. Here is my little work station I set up in the living room. I go between sitting here for about an hour, and then sleeping/watching anime. Note my glass of orange juice. I'm being a good girl and drinking it even though I really dislike the stuff. Curse you, mono! 

Back to grad schools. This week I've researched CUNY, Gallaudet, SFSU, and Chicago. I must say I wasn't impressed with CUNY at all and am fairly positive it's off my list of possibilities. Gallaudet was basically exactly what I expected it to be. All the classes would be taught in ASL which is appealing to me, but I still can't shake the feeling that it might be TOO focused...and I'm not sure about Chicago. I got to the point where I was looking at individual professors and their work and I just ran out of energy and went to sleep. I'll try and finish that up today. Oh, and turns out that SFSU doesn't really have a linguistics program. It's an English degree with a focus on Linguistics. Not what I'm looking for so scratch that off the list (though it does sound interesting...but most things do).

Still remaining on my list: Stanford, Davis, UCSC, UW, UofM, and UCSB. Phew. Seems like a lot still! But at least I've done research on half of them. Narrowing it down, then I'll start to contact professors. 

In the meantime, I have a job interview this morning so wish me luck. Thank goodness it's a phone interview. And then I'm going to attempt to go into work for at least a couple of hours since I have tons of reports I was supposed to get to people this week, and obviously haven't. Sounds sort of like the apocalypse is going down there though so I'm a little nervous. We'll see how much I can handle...